PerfoTec is pleased to announce a new partner in India

From left to right: Ulaganathan Devaraj, Bas Groeneweg, Murugesan Paramasivan

Thursday February 16th Bas Groeneweg and Dr. Murugesan Paramasivan signed a distribution agreement between PerfoTec and Sanviha Food Tech Solutions. PerfoTec is very pleased that we have found this leading consultancy organization to represent PerfoTec in India. This technical consultancy company have undertaken various activities that was beneficial for the food and agro-processing industries. PerfoTec innovative solutions to extend the self-life of fresh produce is a perfect addition for Sanviha’s services. PerfoTec is very pleased with the extensive network of entrepreneurs, scientists, research institutions, government bodies, chambers of commerce and universities in the Indian food business. Therefore, this partnership is a blessing for both parties. 

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Your struggle to keep your produce fresh is history with our solution

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