KHE Ltd is our first partner in Kenya

KHE Ltd is our first partner in Kenya

PerfoTec and Kenya Horticultural Exporters Ltd have a long relationship with each other. Kenya Horticultural Exporters Ltd is working for well over 10 years with PerfoTec equipment. PerfoTec is an innovative company in the fresh produce industry. Their newest...
(NL) Samen Tegen Voedselverspilling

(NL) Samen Tegen Voedselverspilling

HET ONDERZOEKSTEAM VAN PERFOTEC ZORGT VOOR LANGERE HOUDBAARHEID Het onderzoeksteam van PerfoTec doet onderzoek naar op maat gemaakte verpakkingen waarmee groenten, fruit en bloemen zo lang mogelijk vers blijven. Hierover adviseren ze vervolgens hun klanten. Door de...
A new standard for blueberries packaging

A new standard for blueberries packaging

A new standard for blueberries packaging. The demand for blueberries is increasing every year this is also influenced by various health claims. Millions of kilos of soft fruit are packed each year to travel from worldwide growers to consumers. As soft fruits are very...
28 days of Tulip Freshness, Stunning Results

28 days of Tulip Freshness, Stunning Results

Recently we conducted a trial to examine the possibilities to extend shelf life for tulips in PerfoTec MAP LinerBags (Modified Atmosphere Packaging). Why extend the shelf life of tulips? Well think about the possibilities such as sea transport instead of transport by...